Kundalini Awakening; signs, benefits and 4 main stages

Kundalini Awakening:  signs, benefits and 4 main stages for activating chakras   

In this article, we will explore the concept of kundalini shakti and its effects on our chakras. You’ll find detailed information about kundalini awakening: signs, benefits and 4 main stages for activating chakras.

We will also look at different methods for activating chakras and kundalini in the body, such as yoga, meditation, and breathwork. 

Yoga pose for Kundalini awakening
Balancing on Toes

We will also explore chakras as energy centres in our bodies, and how they relate to kundalini and the physical body. 

Kundalini awakening is first and foremost a powerful spiritual experience. This experience opens the gateway to other spiritual experiences. 

Spiritual awakening, soul evolution and transformation take place after kundalini awakening in most of the cases. A person can experience all simultaneously.

Kundalini awakening is related to the energetic system of the human body.  It is considered to be the “most important meditation technique of all time”, by many. It is the first step in the awakening process and can be seen as a precursor to awakening to your true self.

Table of Contents

What is Kundalini

The word kundalini literally means “vital force”. The kundalini, also known as the Shakti (Sanskrit word). It is a fiery energy or power that lies at the base of our spine, where the root chakra is placed. It is considered to be the feminie life force energy. 

The best way to describe “kundalini” in a creative way, I would like to share my experience with you. 

The arousal of a dormant or sleeping energetic force that lies at the base of the spine  ready to be released through circulation”.

Rudolf Steiner, an Australian Architect described it as the “inner ruler” that governs life.

Click link below to explore more about kundalini:


When the kundalini is awakened, it influences our thoughts, drives, and our ability to interact with the world. 

The first step in awakening the kundalini is to recognize that it exists and it is a real phenomenon.

kundalini awakening
kundalini awakening

What are chakras

The seven chakras are energy centres in our bodies. They are located along our spinal cord and are associated with specific organs and body functions.They are linked to our emotions, physical bodies, and consciousness.

When our chakras are activated and well-functioning, they provide us with physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

When our chakras are blocked or uninhibited, our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being are not satisfactory. 

When both our chakras and our kundalini are balanced, we are in a state of physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium.

My kundalini awakening process

The trigger for my kundalini awakening and activating chakras begin with the desire to heal people. Many people want immediate relief who are suffering from any health issue and / or energetic cause.

Like others I was very keen to know about my true self. I hit the bottom after losing many things in life. I was serving clients to meet their nutrition needs. It was all going good. 

To serve better I was searching continuously for alternative methods to heal the pain of people. 

I was divinely guided by birth. In January, 2017, I personally took initiation for my first Reiki session to unblock my blockages regarding career and financial stablity.It helped me lot. 

In Apirl, 2018, suddenly I talked to my spiritual mentor and asked for guidance. He replied now it’s the time to be spiritual. Start meditation. You’ll find answers to all your queries. 

Meditation practice


I immediately started meditation. After one year of doing meditation, my soul urged me to ask for help. I consulted a tarot reader. She opened my eyes. 

She said you’ll be awakened and would become the light worker. You’ll remain in the same Health and wellness industry, but the nature of working would be different. 

She had given me Black Obsidian crystal bracelet. The moment I wore it on my right wrist, it was a miracle. I immediately felt something happening to me. 

After one week, I noticed a sensation on my back and little leg cramps during sleep. It was the sign of my Root chakra opening. 

I focused and activated the root/base chakra. 

Divination work through Pendulum Dowsing

I started divination work. I explored, developed and mastered my intuition. My intuition helped me to find answers and I continued to evolve. 

One-by-one my all chakras started to open and activated. Today I give intuitive guidance to help others in activating chakras, spiritual awakening and soul evolution. 

I’m sharing my experience how I activated my chakras under the separate headking “what are the stages of kundalini awaking”.

How to know, your Kundalini is awakening

For many people, it is the first time they experience a strong drive or power coming from the lower center, which is known in Sanskrit as the Muladhara Chakra. It is also called the root chakra, the base chakra.

Some people experience intense heat while others experience tingling around Third-Eye chakra. Many people feel intense physical sensations.

How to handle and deal with Kundalini awakening

During the kundalini awakening process, which can occur after years of spiritual practice, intense physical sensations and feelings are common. It’s common to feel a sense of fear or discomfort during the first stage of the process. 

With patience and over time the sensations become easier to handle. Some people even experience breakthroughs in their spiritual development and new abilities in the months following their kundalini awakening.

What is Kundalini Yoga

It is very important to maintain a balanced equilibrium between mind and body. You can do hatha yoga, meditation, exercise, barefoot walk on grass to optimize your physical and mental well being. 

Channeling the kundalini is an extensive, detailed, and complex process. It is believed that the kundalini has been awakened and activated by certain types of meditation,  breathwork, and yoga, which collectively are known as “Kundalini Yoga”.

Yoga pose
Yoga pose

Prayer for Kundalini Awakening

Each day, when you wake up, it is the moral duty of each individual to immerse himself in the practice of prayer and few mantra. You can start citing these words; “Dear God, the Universe/the Creator I pray, honour, respect, remember, call and invite you.

Dear God,  through the kundalini awakening process, please awaken me, so that I may fully realize my oneness with you. 

I am one with you, my God. 

I am one with the Universe. 

I am one with the Divine.

Honest and sincere prayer throughout the day is a practice of continuous consciousness.

Dear God, We thank you for this chance to connect with you, your wisdom, your compassion and your love. We realize that we have a lot of work to do, and we humbly ask for your guidance and help. Amen.

Physical symptoms during Kundalini awakening

As the kundalini energy awakens, you may experience a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild increase in energy and physical sensations to profound psychological changes. 

Some people experience only a few of these symptoms while others experience many of them. It is common to experience physical sensations such as increased energy and body heat, as well as feelings such as joy, peace, and happiness. 

Some people experience profound spiritual or philosophical changes such as a greater sense of connection with the universe or a profound new understanding of life and the universe.

What are the signs of awakening kundalini

During the process, some of the most common kundalini awakening signs include anxiety, fear, paranoia, and a feeling of depression.

It is important to notice these signs, as they pass, your mind and body become cleaner and more pure. They will also subside as your consciousness raises. It allows you to access a deeper state of consciousness and connect with your higher self.

When someone undergoes kundalini awakening, he may experience a wide variety of physical and mental signs. These range from mild changes in perception to wild and vivid hallucinations and everything in between.

Phases of Kundalini awakening

Generally two phases of kundalini awakening occur. The first is the awakening of kundalini when your lower chakras are opened. Mainly root chakra also known as 

muladhara chakra, sacral chakra /svadhisthana chakra, and solar plexus chakra.

The second is the awakening of the full kundalini, which occurs as energy is drawn into the central channel and travels up to the top of your head, the crown chakra. 

What are the stages of Kundalini awakening

The spiritual mentors who have embraced Kundalini awakening, they have their own experiences. You’ll find different views about the stages of kundalini awakening. 

There is no fixed rule. It is a natural process. It depends person to person.

Many issues like childhood trauma, past life karmas, painful life experiences, near to death experience, relationship problems, and financial problems play an important role during kundalini awakening. 

These issues define the stages involved in the process. We have 7 main chakras, the energy centres. Each chakra has its own characteristics. These chakras affect our thought process and pure consciousness. 

When kundalini, the feminine life force energy is released and activated, it further penetrates to open the base chakra. As this energy flows upwards and penetrates other chakras, one-by-one each upper chakra is opened.

I’ve experienced the chakras opening closely. I worked on each chakra, focused and then activated. 

There are mainly 4 kundalini awakening stages.

Based on my personal experience, I’m sharing the different stages as below: –

First stage

In this stage you are mentally prepared for your soul journey. You may have trauma issues, depression, anxiety. You may remember your past hurt, pain and other painful life experiences. 

Dark night of soul
Dark night of soul

You are being prepared to heal all your issues. Embrace the soul journey. Know your true self and your spiritual gifts. 

Forgive yourself and others, who once hurt you. Take initiation towards the process.

It involves allowing energy channels to open, which will allow for the opening of kundalini centres and the release of energy within these centres. 

It will trigger you to do some prana yoga, pranayama, exercise, and meditation for maintaining balance. 

You will feel higher spiritual experiences in this stage. You start to see synchronicity, the number patterns like 11:11, 04:04, 03:03, 2:22 and many more. 

Your intuition is highlighted. You may have dreams and other paranormal spiritual experiences.

The divine source guides you to pay attention and see these numbers and prepare yourself for next stages. 

Continue to do chakra meditation for activating upper chakras.

Second stage

It is a less-examined stage as it includes higher profound spiritual encounters which a couple of individuals go through. In this stage, the Kundalini power begins moving past physical and mental encounters. A portion of the impeded energies that couldn’t get released in the first stage will begin to release in this stage.

This is the stage when an individual will begin scrutinizing his convictions that were molded by his family and society. They begin bantering on the designed convictions and ways of behaving.

You feel a strong urge to know your true identity, your spiritual gifts and your soul purpose. 

You follow the divine law of responsibility. It triggers you to take responsibility and build your foundation strong. You start sensing a feeling of security.

In this way the energy penetrates your root chakra to open it. This chakra represents your survival, security and trust. This is the root of your chakra system to be activated.

Once the root chakra is opened and activated, the energy flows up in Sacral chakra. Focus on this chakra  which administers your sexuality and your female/male equilibrium. 

Balance your both feminie and musculine fiery energy. 

Creativity, Intuition, birth of new ideas, passion, and nurturing are few examples of feminine fiery energy.

Active, giver, projective, outward, and expansive are few examples of musculine fiery energy.

Develop these qualities that you are lacking and have a balanced approach to find equilibrium. Do some yoga nidra. You may take help from yoga teacher.

Once the sacral chakra is activated, the kundalini further releases the energy to penetrate and open the Solar-plexus chakra. 

Focus on Solar-plexus chakra and its characteristics. Develop your self esteem. Love yourself and honour your identity. Be receptive and see the world around you with love, not with anger and pride. Feel your emotions and gently express your feelings with others. 

Go with the flow, don’t try to control any resistance. In this stage you finally develop your imagination, creativity, intuition and a feeling of security.

Third stage

This is an important stage, as your heart chakra is about to open. The kundalini power moves up and penetrates the heart chakra for opening. 

The heart chakra activation opens the gateway towards your DESTINY.

Relationships and perceptions of love from people around us are the main characteristics of this chakra. 

You are blessed with unconditional love of God and divine source. Thus you develop the good attribute in giving  and receiving unconditional love. 

You start doing things with passion and simultaneously you’ve compassion for others. 

Once the heart chakra is activated, the energy further moves up to the throat chakra.

Expression and communication are main characteristics of this chakra. 

When you are struggling to communicate and express your feelings freely, this is the sign your throat chakra is blocked. 

Focus on this chakra, listen to your own voice, and  have confidence. Let Kundalini power flows through this chakra for activation.  

Fourth stage

Finally the kundalini power moves up and penetrates the Third Eye chakra. 

Identifying your spiritual being, spiritual gifts, and intuition are governed by this chakra. 

The third eye chakra / ajna chakra is also represented as the unconscious mind. Once this chakra is activated you view clearly the real you, your true self and your spiritual gifts. 

Your intuition is highlighted. Your human consciousness is further increased by practicing divination work to develop and expand your intuition. Once you connect with your higher-self, you’ll discover many things. Your intuition will guide you throughout the soul journey. You will start making the right decisions.

Don’t look for spiritual enlightenment, go with the flow.

At this stage your trust in God and divine source is 100%. You feel spiritual energy and divine feminine energy. You want to communicate more with God and divine source.

The desire to communicate with God / divine source triggers to open and activate the Crown chakra/agya chakra. This chakra is concerned with unity or separation issues. This is our root with our heavenly father/God. 

The crown chakra connects your spirit with God. Focus and work on this chakra, let kundalini power activates it. Once it is activated, practice daily to connect with God.

This is the final stage. In this stage the kundalini (shakti), the divine feminine fiery energy finally meets the musculin fiery energy, the creator (lord shiva).

The whole process of kundalini awakening in this stage is known as spiritual liberation. 

It is important to actvate 7 main chakras so that energy flows freely. While processing chakras activation, you also remove the layers of illusions, placed on them.

To know more about layers of illusion, please click the link below:


How you feel after activation of kundalini and chakras

First of all, you feel connected with your higher self. You become the new version of yourself. With regular practice and showing gratitude towards God, you start to become the highest version of yourself. You may experience certain changes, described below:

  • You become spiritual and you are aware of your spiritual gifts.
  • You know your soul purpose. 
  • You are free from a self negative ego.
  • You start manifesting your true heart desire with a positive attitude.
  • Your mind, body and soul are in alignment with your higher self. 
  • You want to do good in the world for the highest good of all including the planet as whole.
  • You do your work with passion and get things done in an easy way. 

Kundalini awakening benefits

After kundalini awakening and chakras activation, your thought process is changed. You are not the same as you were before. You are healed and transformed into a new YOU. The common benefits are shown below:

  • Your soul finds peace and bliss.
  • Connected with your higher self for divine wisdom.
  • Balanced divine feminine and musculine fiery energy.
  • Better understanding of 5  human senses and the 6th sense.
  • Chakras are purified and opened. 
  • Life force energy flows freely without any blockage.
  • Spiritual gifts and psychic abilities are enhanced.
  • Compassion, respect, love and  empathy for others.
  • Feeling young and energetic all the time. 
  • Ability to listen to the blissful sound of your higher self. 
  • You become creative and more magnetic to attract people of the same vibration frequency. 
  • Your true and honest desire is manifested.
  • You can find your soul tribes. 
  • You can manifest your twin flame/divine counterpart. 

Myths about kundalini

Is it dangerous

No, it is not dangerous if your kundalini is awakened and activated. When you have a pure, honest and true desire to connect with God/divine source and to do good things, nothing seems dangerous.

When you try to misuse your kundalini awakening power, it may cause you some serious attacks. 

Disconnected with family and friends

Very few people in the world do spiritual work. Many people don’t believe in kundalini awakening and chakras activation. Not all are meant to have kundalini awakening.  

Many people are not chosen by God to have this spiritual experience.

Therefore it is possible that you may feel disconnected with your family and friends.

You can’t share your blissful experience with them because they don’t believe.

Every soul on Earth has its own personal stage. 

Sometimes your family and friends support you in your soul journey. They believe what you say. They also support you towards your soul purpose in this lifetime. In this case you may not feel disconnected with your family and friends. 


I’ve shared my own “kundalini awakening” process here. It is all Gods’s blessings. Our heavenly father blessed all beautiful souls to embrace the process of “kundalini awakening”. Take first step and share your memorable experience. Thanks all.

Kundalini awakening stages | How kundalini affects the body

In this article, I’ll describe kundalini awakening stages and how kundalini affects the body. According to most wisdom seekers kundalini is closely related to chakras. Not to mention the chakras are energy centres in our bodies. They carry the kundalini energy released by kundalini.

kundalini awakening stages
kundalini and seven chakras

Kundalini Awakening Stages

Activation of kundalini is related to the energetic system of the human body.  It is considered to be the “most important meditation technique of all time”, by many. This is the first step in the awakening process and can be seen as a precursor to awakening to your true divine nature. 

Table of Contents

What is Kundalini energy

The word kundalini literally means “vital force”. The kundalini, also known as the Shakti is considered to be the feminie life force energy. It is a fiery energy that lies at the base of our spine in a sleeping state.

The best way to describe “kundalini shakti” is “The arousal of a dormant or sleeping energetic force that lies at the base of the spine  ready to be released through circulation”.

What are chakras

The seven chakras are energy fields in our bodies. They are located along our spinal cord and are associated with specific organs. In addition to body functions the chakras  are linked to our emotions, physical symptoms , and consciousness.

When the chakras are activated they provide us with physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

As long as chakras and kundalini are activated, we would be in a state of physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium. Please view the below link about “kundalini”:


My kundalini awakening process

The trigger for my kundalini awakening and chakras activation  begin with the desire to know my true nature. For this reason I was very keen to know about my spiritual gifts. I hit the bottom after losing many things in life. 

I was divinely guided by birth. In January, 2017, I personally took initiation for my first Reiki session to unblock my blockages in the fields of career and financial stability.

All of a sudden I talked to my spiritual mentor and asked for guidance. He replied, “Now it’s the time to be spiritual. Start meditation. You’ll find answers to all your queries in addition to your spiritual gifts”.

Truly speaking, meditation helped me a lot. My mind, physical body and soul were aligned. Since then I’m moving on constantly.

Obsidian crystal as a catalyst

In July 2018, I consulted a tarot reader. She opened my eyes. 

She said you’ll be awakened and would become the light worker. Additionally she suggested me Black Obsidian crystal bracelet. The moment I wore it on my right wrist, it was a miracle. As a result, I felt something happening to me. 

After one week, I noticed a sensation on my back and little leg cramps during sleep. It was the sign of my  kundalini awakening.  

I focused and activated the root/base chakra. 

I started divination work. I explored, developed and mastered my intuition. My intuition helped me to find answers and I continued to evolve. 

One-by-one my all chakras started to open and activated. Today I give intuitive guidance to help others in activating chakras, Kundalini awakening and soul evolution. 

How to know, your Kundalini is awakening

For many people, they experience a strong drive or power coming from the lower center, which is known as the Muladhara Chakra. It is also called the root chakra.

Some people experience intense heat while others experience tingling around Third-Eye chakra. Many people feel intense physical sensations. Few people notice nervous system breakdown.

What is Kundalini Yoga

Moreover, It is important to maintain a balanced equilibrium between mind and body. You can do hatha yoga, meditation, exercise, barefoot walk on grass to optimize your physical and mental well being. 

Channeling the kundalini is an extensive, detailed, and complex process. It is believed that the kundalini has been awakened and activated by certain types of meditation,  breathwork, and yoga, which collectively are known as “Kundalini Yoga”.

Yoga pose for kundalini awakening stages
Yoga pose

Prayer for Kundalini Awakening

After waking up, it is the moral duty of each individual to immerse himself in the practice of prayer and a few mantras. You can start citing these words; “Dear God, the Universe/the Creator I pray, honour, respect, remember, call and invite you.

Dear God,  in view of kundalini awakening process, please awaken me, so that I may fully realize my oneness with you. Start with kundalini meditation and pray.

I am one with you, my God. 

I am one with the Universe

I am one with the Divine.

Honest and sincere prayer throughout the day is a practice of continuous consciousness.

Dear Creator, we thank you for this chance to connect with you, your wisdom, your compassion and your love. We realize that we have a lot of work to do, and we humbly ask for your guidance and help. Amen.

Preparation for Kundalini Awakening

preparation for kundalini awakening stages
Preparation for Kundlini awakening

What are the Kundalini awakening stages

In order to understand the different stages of kundalini awakening, you need to pay attention to past issues. Childhood trauma, past life karmas, painful life experiences, and near to death experience are important issues. Additionally relationship problems, and financial problems play an important role during awakening of kundalini. 

These issues define the stages involved in the process. We have 7 main chakras, the energy centres. Each chakra has its own characteristics. Seven chakras affect our thought process and pure consciousness. 

When kundalini, the feminine life force energy is released and activated, it further penetrates to open the base chakra. As this energy flows upwards and penetrates other chakras, one-by-one each upper chakra is opened.

I’ve experienced the chakras opening closely. Certainly I worked on each chakra, focused and then activated. Based on my personal experience, I’m sharing the different stages as below: 

First stage

In this stage you are mentally prepared for your soul journey. You may have trauma issues, depression, anxiety. You may remember your past hurt, pain and other painful life experiences. Forgive yourself and others, once who hurt you.

Dark night of soul in kundalini awakening stages
Dark night of soul

With this intention, you allow energy channels to open. They will further allow for the opening of kundalini centres and the release of energy within these centres. 

It will trigger you to do some prana yoga, pranayama, exercise, and meditation for maintaining balance. 

In spite of having spiritual experiences in this stage, you start to see synchronicity, the number patterns like 11:11, 04:04, 03:03, 2:22 and many more. 

Your intuition is highlighted. You may have dreams and other paranormal spiritual experiences.

Continue to do chakra meditation for activating upper chakras.

Second stage

It is a less-examined stage as it includes higher profound spiritual encounters which a couple of individuals go through. In this stage, the Kundalini power begins moving past physical and mental encounters. A portion of the impeded energies that couldn’t get released in the first stage will begin to release in this stage.

This is the stage when an individual will begin scrutinizing his convictions that were molded by his family and society. They begin bantering on the designed convictions and ways of behaving.

You feel a strong urge to know your true identity, spiritual gifts and  soul purpose. 

You follow the divine law of responsibility. In this way the energy penetrates your root chakra to open it. This chakra represents your survival, security and trust. This is the root of your chakra system to be activated.

Seven layers of illusions are placed over human chakras. You need to remove one-by-one and explore your true divine nature and spiritual gifts. Please click the link below to know more about these layers of illusions:


Kundalini energy flows up in Sacral chakra. Focus on this chakra  which administers your sexuality and your feminie and musculine fiery energy. 

Do some yoga nidra and breathing exercises. You may take help from yoga teacher.

Yoga pose
Balancing onToes

The kundalini further releases the energy to penetrate and open the Solar-plexus chakra. 

Focus on Solar-plexus chakra. Develop your self esteem. Love yourself and honour your identity. Be receptive and see the world around you with love, not with anger and pride. Feel your emotions and gently express your feelings with others. 

Go with the flow, don’t try to control any resistance. In this stage you finally develop your imagination, creativity, intuition and a feeling of security. This is your spiritual journey.

Third stage

This is an important stage, as your heart chakra is about to open. The kundalini power moves up and penetrates the heart chakra for opening. 

The heart chakra activation opens the gateway towards your DESTINY

Relationships and perceptions of love from people around us are the main characteristics of this chakra. 

You are blessed with unconditional love of God and divine source. Thus you develop the good attribute in giving  and receiving unconditional love. 

You start doing things with passion and simultaneously you’ve compassion for others. Spiritual practice is part of your daily routine.

The energy further moves up to the throat chakra.Expression and communication are main characteristics of this chakra. 

When you are struggling to communicate and express your feelings freely, this is the sign your throat chakra is blocked. 

Focus on this chakra, listen to your own voice, and  have confidence. Let Kundalini power flow through this chakra for activation.  

Fourth stage

Finally the kundalini power moves up and penetrates the Third Eye chakra. 

Identifying your spiritual being, spiritual gifts, and intuition are governed by this chakra. 

The third eye chakra / ajna chakra is also represented as the unconscious mind. When this chakra is activated you view clearly the real you, your true self and your spiritual gifts. 

Your intuition is highlighted. Your human consciousness is further increased by practicing divination work to develop and expand your intuition. Once you connect with your higher-self, you’ll discover many things. Your intuition will guide you throughout the soul journey. You will start making the right decisions.

Don’t look for spiritual enlightenment, go with the flow. Spiritual awakening is important.

You feel spiritual energy and divine feminine energy. You want to communicate more with God and divine source. Spiritual transformation takes place in addition to higher consciousness.

The desire to communicate with God triggers to open and activate the Crown chakra/agya chakra. The sahasrara chakra is concerned with unity or separation issues. This is our root with our heavenly father/God. 

The crown chakra connects your spirit with God. Focus and work on this chakra, let kundalini power activate it. Once it is activated, practice daily to connect with God. Cosmic energy will shower you.

This is the final stage. In this stage the kundalini (shakti), the divine feminine fiery energy finally meets the musculin fiery energy, the creator (lord shiva). Spontaneous awakening is the sign of this stage.

The whole process of kundalini awakening in this stage is known as spiritual liberation. 

How kundalini affects the body

After kundalini awakening and chakras activation, your thought process is changed. You are not the same as you were before.

Ofcourse, you feel connected with your higher self. You become the new version of yourself. With regular practice and showing gratitude towards God, you start to become the highest version of yourself. You may experience certain changes, described below:

You become the highest version of yourself
  • Feeling young and energetic all the time.
  • Your body feels strong and light as a feather.
  • Conscious mind is relaxed and free from unwanted thoughts.
  • Consequently you take actions and follow divine law of responsibility. 
  • Chakras are purified and opened.
  • Kundalini energy flows freely through the energy centres. 
  • The body organs function normally.
  • Ability to listen to the blissful sound of your higher self.
  • Better understanding of 5  human senses and the 6th sense.
  • Your mind, body and soul are in alignment with your higher self. 
  • With this intention you want to do good in the world for the highest good of all including the planet as whole.
  • Not to mention you do your work with passion and get things done in an easy way. 
  • You become creative and more magnetic to attract people of the same vibration frequency.

Kundalini awakening stages: FAQ

What do you feel when kundalini awakens?


Your soul finds peace and bliss. Divine feminine and musculine fiery energy are balanced.  Spiritual gifts and psychic abilities are enhanced. Therefore true and honest desire is manifested. Ability to find your soul tribes. Manifesting your twin flame/divine counterpart. 

What are the signs of Kundalini awakening stages?


In particular some of the signs include anxiety, fear, paranoia, and a feeling of depression.

It is important to notice these signs. As they pass, your mind and body become cleaner and more pure. They will also subside as your consciousness raises. These range from mild changes in perception to wild and vivid hallucinations and everything in between.

What are the Physical symptoms during Kundalini awakening stages?


As the kundalini energy activates, you may experience a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild increase in energy and physical sensations to profound psychological changes. 

Some people acknowledge profound spiritual or philosophical changes like a greater sense of connection with the universe. Many people admire a profound new understanding of life and the universe.

What are the Phases/levels of Kundalini awakening?


Eventually two phases of kundalini awakening take place. The first is the awakening of kundalini when your lower chakras are opened. Mainly root chakra also known as muladhara chakra, sacral /svadhisthana chakra, and solar plexus chakra.

The second is the awakening of the full kundalini, which occurs as kundalini energy is drawn into the central channel and travels up to the top of your head, the crown chakra. 


Although this may be true that “kundalini awakening” is a complex and tidious process, but it’s quite natural. I’ve gone through the same process. Certainly, I’ve focused on my chakras activation.

In the light of activating your kundalini, equally important is the healing of past issues.

causes of energy draining
Examples of energy draining issues, you need to heal first

Under those circumstances, Meditation is the right soution. Consequently meditation gives you all the answers. Therefore take the initiation and start the process. If you find this article useful, please share with others.

I’m always ready and available to guide you. If you’re stuck and feel hard to heal any past issue, You can contact me for any assistance. You need to follow the Kundalini awakening sages one-by-one. Thanks.

Kundalini Awakening; signs, benefits and 4 main stages
Kundalini Awakening:  signs, benefits and 4 main stages for activating chakras    In …
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How to heal
Everything heals

How to heal your emotions and heartbreak

It is  true that you are feeling like you need some healing. Perhaps you’ve as of late experienced something that tested you inwardly. Or on the other hand, perhaps you’re encountering an actual health problem.

Although you’re on medication, you may likewise be keen on learning methods to recuperate your whole self. You need emotional healing. Instead of taking pills immediately, we would like to explore alternative methods of self cure.

Self-healing is something we can do when we’re debilitated, when we’re well, and in the middle between. 

So in this article, we’ll discuss heaps of various self-healing methods with the goal that you can investigate. Give them a shot, and see which one turns out best for you. Your soul is blessed by God to heal yourself and improve your mental health.

Table of Contents

What Is Self-Healing?

Self-healing is characterized as the course of recovery from stress, emotional problems and heartbreak. However healing yourself can likewise incorporate going with actual medical problems. In general, self healing is the precious gift of God. You need to recognise and believe that it exists

Take a step at directing your body’s energy and utilize your considerations and sentiments to modify your energy recurrence. Use your body energy to do something which gives you joy and happiness.


  1. Start by creating a sacred space for yourself at home, where you can relax and focus on your healing.

2. Make a list of all issues you want to heal.

causes of energy draining helps to heal your emotions
some energy drainng issues, you want to heal

3. Understand your motivation for starting a self-healing journey.

4. Choose the right words whenever you speak.

5. Start slowly and build momentum.

6. Celebrate your successes along the way.

7. Be patient and persistent.

Prepare yourself for healing:

Spend time in nature.

Trees, plants and flowers not only look beautiful but also they give us Oxygen. Nature heals our mind, body and soul. It is good for our emotional healing. Start walking barefoot on grass, it gives grounding. The earth’s energy is important to feel grounded.

Outdoor activity

Sitting comfortably in nature and listening to birds chirping is good for our mental health. It doesn’t give us only physical health benefits but also helps to improve our mental and emotional wellbeing.

Say positive affirmations and visualise.

What goes around, comes back. Start giving positive signals to the creator. The more you say positive things, the more you attract positivity in your life. It sheds your emotional pain, emotional trauma  and emotional wounds.Some examples are described below:

I’m worthy.

God loves me unconditionally.

I love all, I see the same God’s image in others, as I have.

I deserve prosperity.

I attract true abundance into my life.

My every need is met by God.

I forgive my soul,

I forgive ohters!

For your own benefits and soul evolution!

The dream you’ve in mind, visualise it. Think that you’ve already achieved it. Visualise you are a healthy person and you’ll become. Your emotional health improves. Embrace the healing process.

Invest your time in doing physical exercise.

Take care of your physical body. Do some physical exercise to keep your body in good shape, balance and fit. Physical workout strengthens our muscles. Use it or lose it. You remain active and energetic all day. You don’t feel physical pain. Physical workout releases muscle tension. 

Yoga pose to heal your emotions and anxiety
Yoga pose

Start doing some yoga and breathwork.

It works as catalyst and your emotional energy improves. Sitting in a yoga pose not only calms your mind but also improves physical well being. Choose 1 or 2 yoga pose as per your convenience, e.g.

Naukasana (boat pose)

Paschimottanasana (head to toe)

Surya Namaskar yoga.


Take a deep breath in and exhale through your mouth. Do it repeatedly 7 times. You feel relaxed from tension and any body pain.

Listen to your soul.

Our soul feels it when we are sick. When the soul is crushed, our spirit feels it. Start listening to your soul. It guides you on what you need to do. Spend time alone. Heal your childhood trauma and negative emotion if you have any of these issues.  

Develop and expand your intuition to heal your emotions

Divination work is the best exercise for developing your intuition. Pendulum dowsing is an easy and reliable divination tool to achieve this goal. 

expand intuition helps to heal your emotions
Dowsing expands intuition

If you really want to develop and expand your intuition, practice divination work. Pendulum dowsing is easy to learn and effective.

How dowsing helps you to find answers, visit link below for more details:

Meditation for 15-30 minutes a day.

It is difficult to heal your emotions, worries and hurts when you think continuously about the past. It’ll come again and again in your conscious mind whenever you feel. The best way is to let go of the past. 

Meditation is one of the best ways to quiet your mind. Release tension from your body and focus on breath. When you’ve anxiety, start Mindfulness Meditation. It has tremendous healing power and health benefits. 

Have proper sleep.

6-8 hrs sleep is mandatory to remain healthy. When you implement self healing methods, I’m sure you’ll find it easy to sleep without worries. 

Protect yourself from negative energy and radiation.

Always have right approach, don’t make negative feelings for anybody.

Don’t allow negative energies diminish your light. Think positive always and don’t do self negative talk. Keep the distance from people, places and things who drain your positive energy. 

Different ranges of Frequencies of Electromagnetic Radiation have been found to cause harmful health effects on people.

We live 24/7 continuously in the environment of Radiation caused by Electrical Equipment, Computers, Mobile phones etc. which is very dangerous to our Body’s Cells. Its effects are not good for your nervous system. 

Limit the use of mobile phones. It weakens our energy level.

How to Heal your Emotions

You are not your emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not your circumstances.

Remember that the lessons you learn in life are only as good as the actions you take upon them. Listen to your intuition, and don’t be afraid to let go of what doesn’t serve you. Develop emotional intelligence, a true feeling, and strong emotions.

Steps and Activities: How to heal

  • Have compassion for others and a feeling of self compassion. 
  • Movements of your physical body parts at regular intervals.
  • Avoid thinking of past painful emotion, instead focus on positive emotion.
  • Speak truth, be realistic and honest.
  • Release difficult emotions and deal with them by shedding tears. 
  • Become the highest version of yourself by doing shadow work.
  • Connect to divine sources/God. 
  • Surround yourself with positive and like minded people. 
  • Leave the toxicity behind. 
  • Don’t generate emotion for grief.
  • Believe in the emotional healing process. 

How to Heal from Heartbreak

Have you ever had your heart broken? Maybe you were dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe you didn’t get the job you really wanted. Maybe a family member passed away.

There is no easy answer when it comes to fixing your broken heart. You must become aware of and work on your issues, both big and small, on a daily basis.

If you want to see lasting change you must act immediately.  With enough hard work and dedication, you can get to a place where you can heal your broken heart.

Ask for help if you want immediate healing. Click the link below:


Don’t overlook, heal your heart. Protect yourself from further heart disease and blood pressure symptoms.

If you’re betrayed in a relationship, it’s time to let go and move on. Pray to God, listen to your intuition and what it guides you. If the problem is fixable you can try. If the relationship issue is beyond repair then leave it on God. Surrender it to God and wait for the right time to act upon.

There are many problems associated with heartbroken people, e.g. sudden loss of money, financial problems, out of work, family problems and many more. If you’re heartbroken out of these issues, don’t be sad. Follow few activities as mentioed below:

Activities for healing a broken heart

Release negative emotions attached with people, places and things.

Spend some time to grieve. 

Do creative things: dance, sing, paint.

Develop new sources of joy and happiness.

Love yourself, count your blessings. It helps to release even chronic stress.

Note down your achievements even little.

Forgive former partners and move on. 

Gently express your true feelings and needs to others.

Give your attention to those who value you. 

Release negativity from your mind.

Enjoy the present moment fully.

Be independent, don’t depend on others. 

Feel relaxed while doing prayer and meditation. 

Be grateful always and thank God. 

creativity for healing heart

How to heal your emotions and heartbreak by prayer

It is often said that when you pray to God for something and do not get it, that is a sign of God’s refusal. However, I believe that is not the case when it comes to prayer for a broken heart.

I think that when you pray for a broken heart, it is more likely that God will not answer your prayer immediately. I believe that when you pray for a broken heart, God will let you suffer for a while.

Take this as a karmic lesson to learn. You’ll find blessings later on in other forms. Universe works in a mysterious way

Practice prayer throughout the day.

Prayer is the precious gift of silence. It connects your higher self (spirit) with God/the creator. Morning prayer after waking up and before sleep empowers you to feel connected with divine sources.

The best way to pray to God is to have hope and faith that things will get better.

Pray that God will give you a tender heart, a compassionate heart, a heart full of his love. 


Dear God, I pray for the strength to get through this heartbreak. I know that I can’t do it alone and I need your help. Please give me the strength to get through this tough time. I know that with your help, I can get through anything.

Detoxify your physical body

You must appreciate and accept the truth that you regularly ingest toxins into your body.  A number of toxins come from Food that you eat everyday, usually in the form of Pesticides that the farmers use. Even the air you breathe through pollution brings toxins into your body. 

These harmful toxins can cause a wide variety of health problems including Intestinal  problems, Respiratory problems, and Reproductive problems.

Detoxification for healing emotions and heartbreak

There are about 84 widely known Chemicals / Toxins found in the Human Body.  E.g.  Alcohol, Aluminium, Benzoic acid, Cosmetics, Fragrances (Synthetic), High Fructose Com Syrup (HFCS),  Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and many more.

There are many herbs available that help you to detoxify your body. Drink alkaline water, it helps to clean toxic elements out from the body.

My successful self-healing story

Like you, I’ve also gone through many life challenges. I was also hurt and betrayed by many. I didn’t give up, instead I tried to heal myself. I started Reiki healing. After that I started mindfulness meditation in 2017. Meditation itself heals the heart, the mind, the body and the wounds. It helps to release a stress hormone. 

Slowly but surely I was much benefitted by meditation. The answers that I was looking for came at the right time. I was very keen to heal myself first and then find my soul purpose.

One black obsidian crystal changed my life

One day I consulted a spiritual mentor, she suggested that I wear Black Obsidian Crystals bracelet on my right wrist. I immediately implemented it. 

Literally,you people won’t believe but a miracle happened within a week. Suddenly I felt energy flow from my root chakra to crown chakra. 

My kundalini activated and my chakras started opening. My spiritual awakening started soon after my chakras activation. I started divination work. My intuition was highlighted and developed. Pendulum dowsing gave me every answer that I was  looking for.

It not only helped me to heal but also grounded me. It protects me from negative energy and radiation. 

You never know, one little guidance can help you heal fast. Ask for help. Start self-healing first before any spiritual healer guides you. Do some inner work. I’m here to help and guide you. 

If you like my self-healing methods and want to heal yourself fast, implement it immediately.  

How to heal your emotions with Crystals

Crystals / Gemstones have healing properties in the form of physical, emotional and spiritual uplifting. In the ancient civilizations, a great emphasis was laid on the use of crystals and other minerals. They facilitate the flow of Life Force Energy through the human body for healing Mind, Physical Body,heart and Soul. 

how to heal your emotions with crystals
How to heal your emotions and heartbreak with crystals

The human body and quartz crystals have one thing in common: The mineral silicon-dioxide. This is why when crystals are worn, they come in direct contact with the body, thereby transferring energy from them into the body. Click the link below to know more about crystal healing:


Crystals embedded in bracelets and pendants play an important role to heal your overall well being. They do miracles. Having one crystal always with you miraculously boosts up your energy level. 

How to heal your emotions with Essential oils

If you wonder “How to heal your emotions” with use of essential oils? The answer is yes. The fragrance of essential oils is not only good but also it has a lasting impact on your mood.

The aroma of essential oils uplifts your mood for better sleep. There are many oils available, choose 1 or 2 as per your specific need. I personally use Lavender oil while doing meditation and before sleep.

Lavender Essential Oil has powerful therapeutic properties. Lavender oil is useful in assisting your skin care, hair and sleep. It also helps you to relax, stress free and uplift your mood.


I personally implemented these methods to heal my emotions, my childhood trauma and dark night of the soul. This article will hep you “How to heal your emotions and heartbreak“. If you like and appreciate, please share with others who need self – healing. I welcome your personal healing experience. Thanks.

Spiritual Awakening: 27 signs+11 stages+16 principles

27 signs; 11 stages and 16 principles of Spiritual Awakening

The key to spiritual awakening and soul evolution is the awakening of your “Divine consciousness”.

The eagerness to discover your ‘divine nature’, ‘spiritual being’ and  ‘spiritual gifts’ is always exciting and satisfying, but challenging for most people. It requires your initiation and answer to your soul calling…

Surprised! Yes, your soul is calling you. 

Receive call or reject the call…. What will you do?

Answer the call and embrace the spiritual awakening process. Connect with divine sources to Know your spiritual gifts. Co-create your own reality. Explore your hidden talents and help others to grow simultaneously. 

Soul calling
Soul calling


Reject the call and remain stuck in your repeated karmic cycle. A  never ending cycle which is unsatisfied, unfulfilling and full of struggle. 

Choice is yours. The decision you make today will impact your overall identity on a later date.  

Heal your Soul and embrace the spiritual awakening process. To know more, please click below:


Remember these words always:

Everything Heals.
Your Body heals. Your Heart heals.
The Mind heals. Wounds heal.
Your Happiness is always going to come back.
Bad time don’t last…

Gautam Buddha
Ascended Master

Table of Contents

What is Spiritual awakening and Soul Evolution.

We all were created once by the Creator/God. We all have the same “divine spark”- God’s image. It  needs to be activated, developed and maintained. Every soul deserves  Prosperity and God’s gifts. We forgot our true-self (divine nature) while experiencing human form on the planet EARTH.

Spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening

We are enveloped ourselves by a bubble of illusion, false belief system, self negative ego and limited consciousness. 

When we initiate to discover more about our “divine nature”,  we  start growing at our soul level. This is soul evolution. We start transcending our limited sense of consciousness into a wider, unlimited/infinite sense of truth and reality. We become more conscious.

Spiritual awakening is the process by which the divine nature of an individual soul grows into its fullness.

Soul evolution is the state of inner growth which we can experience as a shift in our body-mind alignment toward a more whole being.

You can explore more about “spiritual awakening” by following link below:


What are the benefits of spiritual awakening?

  • A spiritually awakened person is close to the God and divine sources.
  • You know your true divine nature and spiritual gifts.
  • You enjoy doing things with passion.
  • You live your life with truth, reality and consciousness.
  • You become the inspiration for others.
  • The world needs your spiritual gifts.
  • God chooses you for a specific purpose to serve humanity.
  • You have priveledge to transform others to be happy.
  • You bring the smile on the faces of sad people.
  • People will follow you for your love and light.
  • You are the creator of your own reality.

What triggers for spiritual awakening?

A sudden epiphany, a dream, any incident and/or divine guidance through a spiritual mentor are triggers for spiritual awakening. The process of Spiritual awakening is natural.

It is always divinely guided and starts with divine time. It is generally a predestined process for specific souls who are chosen by  God.

In other cases, if you feel stuck, you can embrace the spiritual awakening process as and when you take the first step towards soul evolution and embrace the process.  

Causes of awakening spiritually.

Most of the time the cause is natural. Cause of awakening spiritually must be the end of suffering. We see, hear, smell, taste and touch, and we know only these 5 senses. 

Many religions teach us that there is an innate quality to every thing. The Buddha was always referring to something that exists apart from our 5 senses and that’s our ‘divine soul’. 

When you are on the path of suffering, your soul is restless. Now it’s the time to awake and embrace the spiritual awakening process.  

My spiritual awakening process.

Quote for spiritual awakening and soul evolution
Discover your soul purpose by embracing spiritual awakening and soul evolution

It is my pleasure; and honour to all beautiful souls that I’m sharing  my spiritual awakening process.  Since my birth I’ve had a unique quality. First thing “whatever I say it happens at later stage and second thing, “what I see in my dreams it becomes the reality”.  

In March 2011, I started career in Health & Wellness industry. I started counselling many people on their nutrition needs. People were benefitted.

Later on I discovered that people want immediate relief. So I started doing research what should I update my skills so that I could ease their suffering.

This is the trigger for my soul evolution process.

After doing deep Meditation and Soul search for more than 1+ year, fortunately I found a solution for all my problems.

I was spiritually awakened in July’ 2019. I discovered that I am a Natural Energy Healer and blessed by God with strong Intuitive power to assess the energy field of person , place and thing.

I passed many stages and embraced the spiritual awakening process. I pray, honour, respect, remember, call and invite dear God, Ascended masters and divine sources. I personally follow Ascended masters dear Jesus Christ and dear Gautam Buddha. 

How do you know if you are in the process of awakening

You might think this question sounds rather mysterious, but it’s quite straight forward.

If you’re alive at all, you’re in the process of spiritual awakening.

Now some of you are going to hear this and laugh. It sounds silly to say that you’re in the process of spiritual awakening.

What does that mean

I’m not talking about going to a monastery and living in a cave, I’m talking about a simple spiritual journey, a simple way of living.

But this is simply not true. We don’t need to go anywhere.

Your heart has awakened already. It’s in the process of trying to change. This is the only journey you have. It’s the only journey we’re on.

It’s about living a life in a better way with our specific spiritual gifts to get things done in an easy way with passion. 

27 signs of spiritual awakening

1.    You start asking questions about you.

2.    You want to know more about your soul’s specific gifts.

3.    You feel that life is boring.

4.    You crave for peace and happiness.

5.    You crave for your life’s purpose.

6.    You don’t feel passion in doing things.

7.    You start asking meaningful and deep questions. 

9.    You feel the need for guidance from a spiritual mentor.

10.    You see your false belief system no longer works for you. 

11.    You realize that not all is true of what you’ve been taught.

12.    You feel isolated and lost.

13.    You want to spend more time on yourself. 

14.    You feel love for all unconditionally. 

15.    You become more sensitive to others.

16.    You don’t follow society norms and rules.

17.    You find that most of the people are unhappy and sad.

18.    You feel that your intuition is developing. 

19.    You feel the urge to change your present career path.

20.    You want to do things which give you peace and joy.

21.    You begin showing compassion and empathy.

22.    You want to give and receive respect.

23.    You seek authenticity and truth.

24.    You surrender your pride and self negative ego.

25.    You experience anxiety, depression and dark nights of the soul.

26.    You want to make the world a better place to live.

27.    You start believing that we all are one and connected with each other. 

11 stages of spiritual awakening.

Soul evolution is not a destination, it is a perpetual journey. There are no separate pieces of the stages of spiritual awakening which  would make it easier for people to let go of the old and embrace the new.

The different stages are described below: 

Stage 1: Feeling lost and unhappiness: 

The first stage of spiritual awakening is often referred to as the dry stage. It is a time when one feels little or no emotion.

They are often described as being depressed, and may even try to commit suicide. The first stage of spiritual awakening is often the hardest, because it is the stage when one is the farthest away from God.

Dark night of soul
Dark night of soul

Stage 2: Soul searching, doing inner work

This is the stage when the  person realize that their faith and beliefs are not enough to bring them happiness.

They begin to search for deeper meaning and purpose in life, and are often drawn to new spiritual teachings, communities and practices. This stage can often be accompanied by a sense of crisis or confusion.

Stage 3: Understanding the Divine power 

This is the most significant and exciting stage of the spiritual journey. It brings a profound sense of satisfaction, and often a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the journey.

At this stage, there is often a deep sense of connection with a higher power or intelligence. 

Stage 4: Starts to believe in Divine power and divine sources

The fourth stage of spiritual awakening is to believe in diivine power. You realize that there are other divine sources in form of Angels, Ascended masters, your spirit guides and ancestors.

They are always there to help you to evolve.  The divine is the Absolute, the perfect expression of all that is good. 

Stage 5: Understanding our “spiritual being” 

It is the stage where you no longer need to sleep, eat, and drink more. The fifth stage of spiritual awakening is the realization that one’s higher self is much closer than one had imagined, which is separate from the physical body and the material world. 

The higher self is the highest version of yourself that is connected with the Divine.

Stage 6: Experiencing the life is eternal

In this stage one reaches the non-dual viewpoint. This means that it becomes possible for the observer to experience directly the fact that there is only one substance and only one reality. This means that the observer is directly experiencing the eternal presence which is beyond time. 

Stage 7: Surrender of Ego/ self negative pride

In this stage you are no longer driven by the ego and the desires of the mind. This stage of awakening is one of the most critical stages in which an individual confronts a new reality or new set of circumstances.

Stage 8: Discovering your true self/spiritual gifts

The 8th stage of awakening is first and foremost a stage of self-discovery. It is a deep and profound time of self-reflection, your spiritual gifts and your true nature.

It is also a time of forgiveness and the willingness to understand that you are responsible for your part in one’s own suffering and the suffering of others.

Stage 9: Discovering the spiritual realm, other dimensions 

The 9th stage of spiritual awakening is when a person transcends the physical realm and realizes that  his consciousness is not limited to this realm.

They also understand that there are other realms  in the universe that can be contacted, communicated with, and even travelled with.  

This stage of spiritual awakening is the realization that the physical world exists in a larger universe and there are other dimensions and planes of existence beyond the physical world.

Stage 10: Experiencing being ‘whole’ 

The 10th stage of spiritual awakening is the stage of becoming a whole. To become a whole you must fulfill the four spiritual laws. These laws are: (1) the law of karma ( cause and effect), (2) the law of rebirth, (3) the law of non-violence, and (4) the law of no killing.

The 10th stage is like para-normal. This stage is of particular interest because it’s the only stage in which a person ceases to be identified with his body, ego, and mind. 

Stage 11: Existence beyond Physical world

The 11th stage of spiritual awakening is a stage where the individual transcends the physical world and enters into a state of consciousness where they are no longer bound by the limitations of the physical world.

They are able to see the truth behind everything, they feel the emotions of other people, they can understand the thoughts of other people, they can communicate with other people in ways that they haven’t been able to do before.

Symptoms during spiritual awakening process.

Most people may experience some type of physical symptoms during their spiritual awakening experience such as: numbness, tingling, shaking, fever, disturbed sleep, muscle aches, cramps, joint pains, headaches, flu-like symptoms, or, diarrhea.

These symptoms are caused by the relaxation of the mind which lowers stress levels.

Verbal and nonverbal symptoms, such as tension, headache, sweaty palms, blood pressure fluctuation, elevated heart rate, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and more.

16 principles to embrace the process.

Before I could share this journey, I felt compelled to share what I learned during my spiritual awakening process. It is nearly impossible to open up to your family and friends because they have different beliefs and values.

It can be hard to share your hopes and dreams with those who don’t see eye to eye with you on certain things. However, people are ready to experience and learn about spiritual awakening.

To embrace the process, I am going to share the must needed principles, one must follow during spiritual awakening process. The 16 principles are described below: 

1. Wake up

Wake up from your state of confusion and self-distraction. Waking up means to consciously recognize the truth and purpose of your life. Most people are not consciously waking up. They are busy living their lives in confusion and self-distraction.

2. Heal the self-distraction and insecurity in your life.

Self-distraction is the attachment to external things that take away your focus from yourself. You need to realize and heal your attachment to external things such as money, possessions, fame, and power.

The sooner you are awakened the deeper you will be able to heal the inside of you.

You will learn to heal the things that limit you, such as fear, anxiety, and insecurity. You will learn to live within your truth.

3. Learn to enjoy your dreams.

Dreams can help you to connect with your higher self and your spiritual source. You will begin to enjoy your dreams. You will be at peace with yourself and the world.

Remember to find peace with in yourself and not through your identity. See your higher self and spiritual source as another person in your life. Practice self-acceptance.

4. Love yourself

Most people do not love themselves. They need to realize that they are love and they are a blessing to the world. They need to practice and learn to love themselves first.

People need to learn to love themselves because they are not loved by the world. They live their lives in fear and anxiety.

5. Examine your reality and your beliefs.

Once you wake up to the truth and are able to see the inner reality of yourself, life begins to change. You begin to be free from the anxiety of the outer world. You begin to be free from fear and anxiety.

Your belief system is what you believe about life. Your belief system is also what you are holding onto. 

6. Discover your purpose

Discovering your purpose is what brings your energy to life. This purpose is what ignites your passion and inspiration to get up in the morning.

This purpose gives you the motivation to go on each day and be better than you were yesterday.

Find your passion. Discover your purpose. You are going to discover it by waking up to the truth and connecting with your soul.

7. Don’t stop learning.

Do not stop learning. You will be surprised to find that you have more to learn every day. You will find the truth and you will understand more and more each day. The only limit is your own self.

You can always learn and grow in life. Learn new things, experience new things, and grow each day.

8. Heal your relationships.

The truth is that the relationships you have in your life are a reflection of you. What you teach and what you accept as truth will have an impact on the relationships in your life. Fix the problems in relationships if it is to be fixed, otherwise move forward.

9. Have an identity of your own.

Most people go through life just surviving. They are just looking to survive the day. They are just looking to put one foot in front of the other. They are just looking to survive life.

It is time for a new way. You are going to have your identity. You are going to live your life with passion. You are going to live your life with purpose.

10. Connect with the spiritual world and yourself.

If you are going to really connect with the spiritual world, you have to connect with yourself and your higher self. You have to reconnect with the spiritual world and your higher self to cocreate things which you have passion for. Ask for help from your guardian-angels, ancestors and spirit guides. They are always there to help you because they love you unconditionally.  

11. Find your spiritual source

Find your spiritual source. The spiritual world can only be reached through your higher self.

Find your spiritual source by connecting to your true, spiritual self. Find your spiritual source by connecting to your soul. Find your spiritual source by connecting to your spirit.

12. Wake up early every day.

Wake up early each day to connect with yourself, connect with the spiritual world and connect with your soul. 

13. Meditate for 30 minutes a day.


Meditation will help you to connect with your higher self, connect with your spirit, connect with your intuition. Your higher self (spirit) connects you with divine sources, the universe and the creator/God. Meditation heals your mind, body and soul at deep level. 

14. Always have a positive attitude.

Whenever something negative happens to you, replace it with a positive thought. Anything that happens in your life is a test. Try to see the good. Try to see the good in things that are happening in your life. Don’t see the negative. Don’t worry about it. 

Instead, always look at the positive side of things. Focus on the positive and see the positive in the situation. This will keep the negativity from taking over your thoughts and you can handle whatever comes your way.

15. Be grateful to God

Gratitude is a great medicine. Being grateful will open you up to a higher way of life. Gratitude will make you happy and give you more energy.

Gratitude is the best medicine for the soul. Always be grateful to the God/ universe what you have at present and say thanks for each and every little thing which gives you joy and happiness. 

16. Live in present moment.

Always remain in present. Don’t regret what you’ve done in past and don’t worry about the future. Nothing is set in stones.

Live your present moment with passion and a zeal to do something for yourself and others to make the world better for live in.  

Monitor your soul ascension/growth.

There are many ways to measure spiritual growth. One way is to keep a spiritual journal. Journaling allows you to reflect on your spiritual life and provide a space to record God’s presence and direction in your life.

It also provides a space to analyze and evaluate your spiritual life, which can help you identify areas for growth and improvement.

Instrumental spiritual measurement typically involves using some kind of instrument, i.e. dowsing pendulum and  test to measure spiritual growth in a person.

The best example is to participate in a quiz, using a questionnaire to measure a person’s level of spirituality.

Click the link below:


Christ consciousness

Throughout the ages, people have experienced moments of intense spirituality, also known as “moments of awakening.” These moments have the power to radically change a person’s life, causing them to view the world in a new way, and often causing them to make significant life changes.

Chirst consciousness is a state of being where a person’s consciousness expands and he is able to experience a deeper level of reality and truth.

Chirst consciousness comes gradually, through spiritual practice and quiet introspection. But regardless of how it happens, chirst consciousness can transform your life – and your view of the world.

Myths about spiritual awakening.

  • Enlightenment-is it our last goal to achieve!

The human race has always strived for enlightenment. We’ve sought it out, we’ve chased it, and we’ve found it in some ways, but we’ve never really settled into a state of being completely and wholly at peace with ourselves and our world.

Instead, we have discovered different states of consciousness and experienced the benefits of improving our state of consciousness, but we have always wanted more. 

Ascended-master, Gautam Buddha is the one who incarnated on Earth once and reached the ultimate consciousness. He achieved Enlightenment. 

I personally feel that Enlightenment should not be our main goal to achieve. 

  • We experience unconditional love and fame: 

Yes, you may find unconditional love and fame, but it is not always permanent. It comes fast and goes fast. We are here on a constant spiritual journey. Sometimes it feels like a blessing and sometimes there is a lesson to learn. 

  • Spiritual awakening limited:

No, it is not limited. It is for everyone and for every religious person. It’s not limited for a particular segment of people. Any one can embrace spiritual awakening.


  • Mr. A. K. Kumanan: My spiritual mentor
  • Guardian Angel: My grand father
  • Ms. Vasundhra Gupta: Spiritual colleague
  • Inspired by Ascended Masters: Dear Jesus Christ and dear Gautam Buddha

Transsform your pain into creativity, tap your spiritual gifts to live life with passion.


In this article, I covered essentials necessary for spiritual awakening and soul evolution. I’ve gone through the same process as shared here. Every soul has its unique experience. Please share your valuable experience for motivation.