Dowsing & Healing Courses

dowsing expands intuition
Dowsing expands intuition

Pendulum Dowsing Courses

Pendulum Dowsing has been used for Centruries to find out the Hidden things and the Answers, which are unknown. It creates the bridge between Logical and Intuitive parts of Mind. We are able to find out the truth to what is unknown. Everybody has intuition, you need to develop it. Here is an opportunity to learn dowsing and crystal healing courses.

Dowsing helps to find out the solutions for unforeseen situations. The scope of Dowsing is endless. It uses various tools to locate, find and receive information through different charts. Dowsing is powerful and it simplifies our life.

Select the right option for your Emotional Fulfillment and Happiness. Prepare yourself for better FUTURE; Find out the solutions for unforeseen Situations.

dowsing choice
dowsing choice

Our Mission is to prepare you to be Independent and Worthy. We want you to be your own Guide, Self-Master and Healer to Heal yourself and others.

We provide customized programs to learn the ancient wisdom and knowledge of Dowsing. Not only that sharpens your Intuitive part of Mind for Imagination but also helps in Visualization and Creativity.

Pendulum dowsing and crystal healing courses:

Course Module I

Pendulum Dowsing and Crystals Healing – Certificate course for the beginners/ experts who want to learn the ancient wisdom of Pendulum Dowsing and Healing power of Crystals. In this course a step-by-step guidance is provided to use Pendulum safely and its endless scope.

  • Become a Certified Pendulum Dowser and Healer to heal yourself and others.
  • Course duration: 2 days. Total 12 hours. (6 hours. each day). PDF file, Charts and one Pendulum are provided.
  • Course Fee: Rs. 3,500/- (Three thousand and five hundred only)

What you will learn!

• You’ll be able to proficiently use your Pendulum to Dowse and to select the best option!
• Pendulum programming. How to answer “YES” or “NO” question!
• How to frame a question and Dowse on different charts!
• How to Detect Electro Magnetic Radiation and other Negative/Positive & Spiritual energy fields of a Person, Place and Object! Know your vibrations and Frequency level!
• Learn to test for Energy Blockage in all 7 Chakras!
• Learn to shift your energy on Life-progression chart!
• Discover your hidden Spiritual gifts and Healing ability!
• Brief knowledge about power of Healing Crystals and Orgonite Devices!
• Learn about Spiritual Healing Energy/Divine Energy, vital for overall wellbeing!
• Learn to Meditate. Quietening your thoughts and listen to your Soul!
• Course Module I Assessment!


Pendulum Dowsing and Crystals Healing – Certificate Course
The 12-hour Certificate Course (2 days, Part Time Program)
will be conducted in collaboration with VARUNIROSE
Spiritual Healing Centre.
This course takes you on simple
steps to be the Certified Dowser and Healer. It is a basic
course that walks you through valuable lessons, very simple
and easy to understand. It will transform your emptiness/lack of
knowledge into self-mastery of Dowsing and Healing skills.

Different Charts for Practice

Physical energy assessment chart for courses
Physical assessment for spiritual healing
Minerals analysis chart for courses
Minerals analysis for spiritual healing
Chakras chart for courses and spiritual healing
Chakras for spiritual healing

These charts are important. You can immediately find out the cause of energy blockage. Additionally this may help to improve your physical wellbeing by taking necessary action.

Customized charts are avilable as per your specific need.