Kundalini awakening stages | How kundalini affects the body

In this article, I’ll describe kundalini awakening stages and how kundalini affects the body. According to most wisdom seekers kundalini is closely related to chakras. Not to mention the chakras are energy centres in our bodies. They carry the kundalini energy released by kundalini.

kundalini awakening stages
kundalini and seven chakras

Kundalini Awakening Stages

Activation of kundalini is related to the energetic system of the human body.  It is considered to be the “most important meditation technique of all time”, by many. This is the first step in the awakening process and can be seen as a precursor to awakening to your true divine nature. 

Table of Contents

What is Kundalini energy

The word kundalini literally means “vital force”. The kundalini, also known as the Shakti is considered to be the feminie life force energy. It is a fiery energy that lies at the base of our spine in a sleeping state.

The best way to describe “kundalini shakti” is “The arousal of a dormant or sleeping energetic force that lies at the base of the spine  ready to be released through circulation”.

What are chakras

The seven chakras are energy fields in our bodies. They are located along our spinal cord and are associated with specific organs. In addition to body functions the chakras  are linked to our emotions, physical symptoms , and consciousness.

When the chakras are activated they provide us with physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

As long as chakras and kundalini are activated, we would be in a state of physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium. Please view the below link about “kundalini”:


My kundalini awakening process

The trigger for my kundalini awakening and chakras activation  begin with the desire to know my true nature. For this reason I was very keen to know about my spiritual gifts. I hit the bottom after losing many things in life. 

I was divinely guided by birth. In January, 2017, I personally took initiation for my first Reiki session to unblock my blockages in the fields of career and financial stability.

All of a sudden I talked to my spiritual mentor and asked for guidance. He replied, “Now it’s the time to be spiritual. Start meditation. You’ll find answers to all your queries in addition to your spiritual gifts”.

Truly speaking, meditation helped me a lot. My mind, physical body and soul were aligned. Since then I’m moving on constantly.

Obsidian crystal as a catalyst

In July 2018, I consulted a tarot reader. She opened my eyes. 

She said you’ll be awakened and would become the light worker. Additionally she suggested me Black Obsidian crystal bracelet. The moment I wore it on my right wrist, it was a miracle. As a result, I felt something happening to me. 

After one week, I noticed a sensation on my back and little leg cramps during sleep. It was the sign of my  kundalini awakening.  

I focused and activated the root/base chakra. 

I started divination work. I explored, developed and mastered my intuition. My intuition helped me to find answers and I continued to evolve. 

One-by-one my all chakras started to open and activated. Today I give intuitive guidance to help others in activating chakras, Kundalini awakening and soul evolution. 

How to know, your Kundalini is awakening

For many people, they experience a strong drive or power coming from the lower center, which is known as the Muladhara Chakra. It is also called the root chakra.

Some people experience intense heat while others experience tingling around Third-Eye chakra. Many people feel intense physical sensations. Few people notice nervous system breakdown.

What is Kundalini Yoga

Moreover, It is important to maintain a balanced equilibrium between mind and body. You can do hatha yoga, meditation, exercise, barefoot walk on grass to optimize your physical and mental well being. 

Channeling the kundalini is an extensive, detailed, and complex process. It is believed that the kundalini has been awakened and activated by certain types of meditation,  breathwork, and yoga, which collectively are known as “Kundalini Yoga”.

Yoga pose for kundalini awakening stages
Yoga pose

Prayer for Kundalini Awakening

After waking up, it is the moral duty of each individual to immerse himself in the practice of prayer and a few mantras. You can start citing these words; “Dear God, the Universe/the Creator I pray, honour, respect, remember, call and invite you.

Dear God,  in view of kundalini awakening process, please awaken me, so that I may fully realize my oneness with you. Start with kundalini meditation and pray.

I am one with you, my God. 

I am one with the Universe

I am one with the Divine.

Honest and sincere prayer throughout the day is a practice of continuous consciousness.

Dear Creator, we thank you for this chance to connect with you, your wisdom, your compassion and your love. We realize that we have a lot of work to do, and we humbly ask for your guidance and help. Amen.

Preparation for Kundalini Awakening

preparation for kundalini awakening stages
Preparation for Kundlini awakening

What are the Kundalini awakening stages

In order to understand the different stages of kundalini awakening, you need to pay attention to past issues. Childhood trauma, past life karmas, painful life experiences, and near to death experience are important issues. Additionally relationship problems, and financial problems play an important role during awakening of kundalini. 

These issues define the stages involved in the process. We have 7 main chakras, the energy centres. Each chakra has its own characteristics. Seven chakras affect our thought process and pure consciousness. 

When kundalini, the feminine life force energy is released and activated, it further penetrates to open the base chakra. As this energy flows upwards and penetrates other chakras, one-by-one each upper chakra is opened.

I’ve experienced the chakras opening closely. Certainly I worked on each chakra, focused and then activated. Based on my personal experience, I’m sharing the different stages as below: 

First stage

In this stage you are mentally prepared for your soul journey. You may have trauma issues, depression, anxiety. You may remember your past hurt, pain and other painful life experiences. Forgive yourself and others, once who hurt you.

Dark night of soul in kundalini awakening stages
Dark night of soul

With this intention, you allow energy channels to open. They will further allow for the opening of kundalini centres and the release of energy within these centres. 

It will trigger you to do some prana yoga, pranayama, exercise, and meditation for maintaining balance. 

In spite of having spiritual experiences in this stage, you start to see synchronicity, the number patterns like 11:11, 04:04, 03:03, 2:22 and many more. 

Your intuition is highlighted. You may have dreams and other paranormal spiritual experiences.

Continue to do chakra meditation for activating upper chakras.

Second stage

It is a less-examined stage as it includes higher profound spiritual encounters which a couple of individuals go through. In this stage, the Kundalini power begins moving past physical and mental encounters. A portion of the impeded energies that couldn’t get released in the first stage will begin to release in this stage.

This is the stage when an individual will begin scrutinizing his convictions that were molded by his family and society. They begin bantering on the designed convictions and ways of behaving.

You feel a strong urge to know your true identity, spiritual gifts and  soul purpose. 

You follow the divine law of responsibility. In this way the energy penetrates your root chakra to open it. This chakra represents your survival, security and trust. This is the root of your chakra system to be activated.

Seven layers of illusions are placed over human chakras. You need to remove one-by-one and explore your true divine nature and spiritual gifts. Please click the link below to know more about these layers of illusions:


Kundalini energy flows up in Sacral chakra. Focus on this chakra  which administers your sexuality and your feminie and musculine fiery energy. 

Do some yoga nidra and breathing exercises. You may take help from yoga teacher.

Yoga pose
Balancing onToes

The kundalini further releases the energy to penetrate and open the Solar-plexus chakra. 

Focus on Solar-plexus chakra. Develop your self esteem. Love yourself and honour your identity. Be receptive and see the world around you with love, not with anger and pride. Feel your emotions and gently express your feelings with others. 

Go with the flow, don’t try to control any resistance. In this stage you finally develop your imagination, creativity, intuition and a feeling of security. This is your spiritual journey.

Third stage

This is an important stage, as your heart chakra is about to open. The kundalini power moves up and penetrates the heart chakra for opening. 

The heart chakra activation opens the gateway towards your DESTINY

Relationships and perceptions of love from people around us are the main characteristics of this chakra. 

You are blessed with unconditional love of God and divine source. Thus you develop the good attribute in giving  and receiving unconditional love. 

You start doing things with passion and simultaneously you’ve compassion for others. Spiritual practice is part of your daily routine.

The energy further moves up to the throat chakra.Expression and communication are main characteristics of this chakra. 

When you are struggling to communicate and express your feelings freely, this is the sign your throat chakra is blocked. 

Focus on this chakra, listen to your own voice, and  have confidence. Let Kundalini power flow through this chakra for activation.  

Fourth stage

Finally the kundalini power moves up and penetrates the Third Eye chakra. 

Identifying your spiritual being, spiritual gifts, and intuition are governed by this chakra. 

The third eye chakra / ajna chakra is also represented as the unconscious mind. When this chakra is activated you view clearly the real you, your true self and your spiritual gifts. 

Your intuition is highlighted. Your human consciousness is further increased by practicing divination work to develop and expand your intuition. Once you connect with your higher-self, you’ll discover many things. Your intuition will guide you throughout the soul journey. You will start making the right decisions.

Don’t look for spiritual enlightenment, go with the flow. Spiritual awakening is important.

You feel spiritual energy and divine feminine energy. You want to communicate more with God and divine source. Spiritual transformation takes place in addition to higher consciousness.

The desire to communicate with God triggers to open and activate the Crown chakra/agya chakra. The sahasrara chakra is concerned with unity or separation issues. This is our root with our heavenly father/God. 

The crown chakra connects your spirit with God. Focus and work on this chakra, let kundalini power activate it. Once it is activated, practice daily to connect with God. Cosmic energy will shower you.

This is the final stage. In this stage the kundalini (shakti), the divine feminine fiery energy finally meets the musculin fiery energy, the creator (lord shiva). Spontaneous awakening is the sign of this stage.

The whole process of kundalini awakening in this stage is known as spiritual liberation. 

How kundalini affects the body

After kundalini awakening and chakras activation, your thought process is changed. You are not the same as you were before.

Ofcourse, you feel connected with your higher self. You become the new version of yourself. With regular practice and showing gratitude towards God, you start to become the highest version of yourself. You may experience certain changes, described below:

You become the highest version of yourself
  • Feeling young and energetic all the time.
  • Your body feels strong and light as a feather.
  • Conscious mind is relaxed and free from unwanted thoughts.
  • Consequently you take actions and follow divine law of responsibility. 
  • Chakras are purified and opened.
  • Kundalini energy flows freely through the energy centres. 
  • The body organs function normally.
  • Ability to listen to the blissful sound of your higher self.
  • Better understanding of 5  human senses and the 6th sense.
  • Your mind, body and soul are in alignment with your higher self. 
  • With this intention you want to do good in the world for the highest good of all including the planet as whole.
  • Not to mention you do your work with passion and get things done in an easy way. 
  • You become creative and more magnetic to attract people of the same vibration frequency.

Kundalini awakening stages: FAQ

What do you feel when kundalini awakens?


Your soul finds peace and bliss. Divine feminine and musculine fiery energy are balanced.  Spiritual gifts and psychic abilities are enhanced. Therefore true and honest desire is manifested. Ability to find your soul tribes. Manifesting your twin flame/divine counterpart. 

What are the signs of Kundalini awakening stages?


In particular some of the signs include anxiety, fear, paranoia, and a feeling of depression.

It is important to notice these signs. As they pass, your mind and body become cleaner and more pure. They will also subside as your consciousness raises. These range from mild changes in perception to wild and vivid hallucinations and everything in between.

What are the Physical symptoms during Kundalini awakening stages?


As the kundalini energy activates, you may experience a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild increase in energy and physical sensations to profound psychological changes. 

Some people acknowledge profound spiritual or philosophical changes like a greater sense of connection with the universe. Many people admire a profound new understanding of life and the universe.

What are the Phases/levels of Kundalini awakening?


Eventually two phases of kundalini awakening take place. The first is the awakening of kundalini when your lower chakras are opened. Mainly root chakra also known as muladhara chakra, sacral /svadhisthana chakra, and solar plexus chakra.

The second is the awakening of the full kundalini, which occurs as kundalini energy is drawn into the central channel and travels up to the top of your head, the crown chakra. 


Although this may be true that “kundalini awakening” is a complex and tidious process, but it’s quite natural. I’ve gone through the same process. Certainly, I’ve focused on my chakras activation.

In the light of activating your kundalini, equally important is the healing of past issues.

causes of energy draining
Examples of energy draining issues, you need to heal first

Under those circumstances, Meditation is the right soution. Consequently meditation gives you all the answers. Therefore take the initiation and start the process. If you find this article useful, please share with others.

I’m always ready and available to guide you. If you’re stuck and feel hard to heal any past issue, You can contact me for any assistance. You need to follow the Kundalini awakening sages one-by-one. Thanks.

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By Vivek Agarwal

I've learned to harness the Primal Forces of Nature i.e. Life Force Energy through Meditation. Its all God blessings that I'm able to Channel this Divine Energy in a powerful & meaningful way to HEAL others. I use my Healing Power wisely and to great effect. I create harmony and peace through LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. I achieve my Goals with Ease.