Physical and Intellectual Wellbeing

Guidelines for improving Physical and Intellectual wellbeing

Yoga for imroving Physical and Intellectual wellbeing
Yoga for imroving Physical and Intellectual wellbeing

Physical wellbeing refers to your body’s health. It is important to keep your body in good shape, balance, fit and disease free. The effects may go beyond your body and impact your mind, emotions and spiritual well-being.

Path for Physical and Intellectual Wellbeing
Mind, body and spiritual wellbeing

Immune system:

The Immune System is the first and priority system in your body. It fights for your life every day from Bacteria, viruses and Pathogens. They exist almost everywhere in the environment and you are exposed to these pathogens every day.

Immunity for spiritual healing and transformation

A simple cold germ can multiply until it kills your body. As a mattter of fact your Immune System fights to stop it. The Immune System is composed of a global and dynamic collection of highly specialized cells and tissues dispersed throughout the body.

Not to mention, Immune System coonsists of body cells. These cells require Vitamins, Minerals, Amino-acids, Growth factors, Cellular energy, Oxygen, Hormones etc.
The more the body cells are energised the more Immune System works at its Optimal level.

How you feel when you are ill! The majority of how you feel is not from the germ in your body, it is from the reaction of your Immune System like fever, cold, inflammation, headache etc.

World Health Organisation names 12 superbugs

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published its first ever list of antibiotic-resistant `priority pathogens’. A catalogue of 12 families of bacteria that pose the greatest threat to human health.

Antibiotic resistance” is growing and we are fast running out of treatment options. Inspite of leaving it to market forces alone, the new antibiotics are not going to be developed in time, said Dr Marie- Paule Kieny , WHO’s assistant director-general for health systems and innovation.

Medicine (Antibiotics) in the late 20thand early 21st centuries has been confronted with a disturbing dilemma – the appearance of new drug-resistant bacteria, deadly new diseases like AIDS and bird flu, Viruses – threats and new strains of pathogens which defeat the best efforts of Medicine to combat them.

From AIDS to Autoimmune diseases, new challenges keep appearing for which medicine has no good answers.

How to improve your Physical and Intellectual Wellbeing:

“Let Medicine be thy food, and food be thy Medicine”
Cow-Colostrum or “Gau-Peeyush” (Sanskrit word) literally meaning cow-nectar. Colostrum has been used in India and globally for treating illness from thousands year back. Additionally Holy Cow has been worshiped in India from the Vedic days.
Gau-Peeyush/Cow Colostrum offers tremendous possibilities for providing unparalleled support to the Immune System. These are the deciding factors in the body’s war against illness”.

Pay attention to the signs:

Always pay attention to the Physical body sings. Don’t ignore any pain or sufering. Learn to listen to your body and identify the signals. You should not only pay attention to the signs but also act accordigly.

Alkaline Water for Physical and Intellectual wellbeing

ALKALIZING: restores pH balance by reducing acidity levels in the body
ANTIOXIDANT: helps to neutralize free radicals that can cause cellular and DNA damage
SUPER-HYDRATING: smaller water cluster size allows water to penetrate cells more easily
MINERAL RICH: contains higher concentrations of alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium which are vital to human health
OXYGEN RICH: increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood
DETOXIFYING: eliminates mucus build-up on colon walls, thus improving the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients
CLEANSING: contributes to flushing out acidic waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body over time
ENERGIZING: negatively charged hydroxyl ions contribute to increased energy, mental clarity, and overall alertness
WEIGHT CONTROL: reduces the body’s need for fatty tissues which protect vital organs from acidity by storing acidic waste in less critical parts of the body
REMOVES PESTICIDES: strong alkaline water with a pH range between 8.5 to 10.5 helps to remove pesticides from fresh fruits and vegetables

Detoxification to improve Physical and Intellectual wellbeing

Toxins in Human Body can Cause Serious Health Problems. Please see the signs, your body needs Detoxification:

heal your heart break and emotions by detoxifying

Toxins can cause health problems

• You regularly ingest toxins into your body. A number of toxins come from Food usually in the form of Pesticides.
• These harmful toxins can cause a wide variety of health problems including Intestinal problems, and Respiratory problems. In addition with Reproductive problems, Cancer, High blood pressure, Asthma, Memory loss, Dysfunctional Immune System and many more.
• There are about 84 widely known Chemicals / Toxins found in the Human Body. E.g. Alcohol, Aluminium, Benzoic acid, Cosmetics, Fragrances (Synthetic), High Fructose Com Syrup (HFCS), Sodium Chloride (NaCl), i.e., salt and many more.


  • Mobile phone devices give off harmful radiations which affect to the human health. Such type of radiations also penetrate in the body and they affect the cell structure and the DNA.
  • These radiations can contribute many harmful diseases such as Brain Tumour, Male Infertility, and Ear Hearing Impairment.
  • Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, Heart trouble, insomnia, high blood-pressure, birth defects, Immune system, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Radiation is also responsible for headache, sleep disorder, tiredness, loss of energy and body-balance. Protection from Radiation: Not only reduce the number of sources but also reduce the time of exposure. Increase your distance from sources. Use Orgonite Pendant, Pyramid with crystals.


Learning is an internal process. People learn from observing others and through various learning tools. The intellectual wellness is represented by lifelong learning and creating new ideas.

Creativity stimulates and strengthens your mind.

Increasing your knowledge will also help you navigate the world, opening new doors & Opportunities for success. Likewise a muscle, the “use it or lose it” principle applies to the brain. Here are some ways to improve your intellectual wellness:
• Read books and attend workshops, seminars or classes.
• Seek out and spend time with positive & intellectual people
• Create things & do activities that challenge you to create new ideas. Participate in social actvities and events like book fair, trade fair and exhibition.
• Solve puzzles and play games.
• Find better ways to get things done.

Empowering Intuitive Mind:

Everybody wants to know the answers in day-to-day life. Pendulum is one of the most convenient and effective dowsing tool for getting answers. It strengthens your Intuition i.e., Subconscious Mind.

“Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical sense of sight, sound, touch, etc.”

Pendulum dowsing helps to find out the solutions for unforeseen situations. The scope of Dowsing is endless. It uses various tools to locate, find and receive information through different charts.

you can find out the cause of energy draining. Pendulum dowsing helps you to find out the right option; effecting your physical and intellectual wellbeing. Trust on your intuution. Believe that it works and it exists.

Physical assessment for spiritual healing
Physical assessment for spiritual healing

Please check Pendulum Dowsing Course for more information: