Spiritual Awakening: 27 signs+11 stages+16 principles

27 signs; 11 stages and 16 principles of Spiritual Awakening

The key to spiritual awakening and soul evolution is the awakening of your “Divine consciousness”.

The eagerness to discover your ‘divine nature’, ‘spiritual being’ and  ‘spiritual gifts’ is always exciting and satisfying, but challenging for most people. It requires your initiation and answer to your soul calling…

Surprised! Yes, your soul is calling you. 

Receive call or reject the call…. What will you do?

Answer the call and embrace the spiritual awakening process. Connect with divine sources to Know your spiritual gifts. Co-create your own reality. Explore your hidden talents and help others to grow simultaneously. 

Soul calling
Soul calling


Reject the call and remain stuck in your repeated karmic cycle. A  never ending cycle which is unsatisfied, unfulfilling and full of struggle. 

Choice is yours. The decision you make today will impact your overall identity on a later date.  

Heal your Soul and embrace the spiritual awakening process. To know more, please click below:


Remember these words always:

Everything Heals.
Your Body heals. Your Heart heals.
The Mind heals. Wounds heal.
Your Happiness is always going to come back.
Bad time don’t last…

Gautam Buddha
Ascended Master

Table of Contents

What is Spiritual awakening and Soul Evolution.

We all were created once by the Creator/God. We all have the same “divine spark”- God’s image. It  needs to be activated, developed and maintained. Every soul deserves  Prosperity and God’s gifts. We forgot our true-self (divine nature) while experiencing human form on the planet EARTH.

Spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening

We are enveloped ourselves by a bubble of illusion, false belief system, self negative ego and limited consciousness. 

When we initiate to discover more about our “divine nature”,  we  start growing at our soul level. This is soul evolution. We start transcending our limited sense of consciousness into a wider, unlimited/infinite sense of truth and reality. We become more conscious.

Spiritual awakening is the process by which the divine nature of an individual soul grows into its fullness.

Soul evolution is the state of inner growth which we can experience as a shift in our body-mind alignment toward a more whole being.

You can explore more about “spiritual awakening” by following link below:


What are the benefits of spiritual awakening?

  • A spiritually awakened person is close to the God and divine sources.
  • You know your true divine nature and spiritual gifts.
  • You enjoy doing things with passion.
  • You live your life with truth, reality and consciousness.
  • You become the inspiration for others.
  • The world needs your spiritual gifts.
  • God chooses you for a specific purpose to serve humanity.
  • You have priveledge to transform others to be happy.
  • You bring the smile on the faces of sad people.
  • People will follow you for your love and light.
  • You are the creator of your own reality.

What triggers for spiritual awakening?

A sudden epiphany, a dream, any incident and/or divine guidance through a spiritual mentor are triggers for spiritual awakening. The process of Spiritual awakening is natural.

It is always divinely guided and starts with divine time. It is generally a predestined process for specific souls who are chosen by  God.

In other cases, if you feel stuck, you can embrace the spiritual awakening process as and when you take the first step towards soul evolution and embrace the process.  

Causes of awakening spiritually.

Most of the time the cause is natural. Cause of awakening spiritually must be the end of suffering. We see, hear, smell, taste and touch, and we know only these 5 senses. 

Many religions teach us that there is an innate quality to every thing. The Buddha was always referring to something that exists apart from our 5 senses and that’s our ‘divine soul’. 

When you are on the path of suffering, your soul is restless. Now it’s the time to awake and embrace the spiritual awakening process.  

My spiritual awakening process.

Quote for spiritual awakening and soul evolution
Discover your soul purpose by embracing spiritual awakening and soul evolution

It is my pleasure; and honour to all beautiful souls that I’m sharing  my spiritual awakening process.  Since my birth I’ve had a unique quality. First thing “whatever I say it happens at later stage and second thing, “what I see in my dreams it becomes the reality”.  

In March 2011, I started career in Health & Wellness industry. I started counselling many people on their nutrition needs. People were benefitted.

Later on I discovered that people want immediate relief. So I started doing research what should I update my skills so that I could ease their suffering.

This is the trigger for my soul evolution process.

After doing deep Meditation and Soul search for more than 1+ year, fortunately I found a solution for all my problems.

I was spiritually awakened in July’ 2019. I discovered that I am a Natural Energy Healer and blessed by God with strong Intuitive power to assess the energy field of person , place and thing.

I passed many stages and embraced the spiritual awakening process. I pray, honour, respect, remember, call and invite dear God, Ascended masters and divine sources. I personally follow Ascended masters dear Jesus Christ and dear Gautam Buddha. 

How do you know if you are in the process of awakening

You might think this question sounds rather mysterious, but it’s quite straight forward.

If you’re alive at all, you’re in the process of spiritual awakening.

Now some of you are going to hear this and laugh. It sounds silly to say that you’re in the process of spiritual awakening.

What does that mean

I’m not talking about going to a monastery and living in a cave, I’m talking about a simple spiritual journey, a simple way of living.

But this is simply not true. We don’t need to go anywhere.

Your heart has awakened already. It’s in the process of trying to change. This is the only journey you have. It’s the only journey we’re on.

It’s about living a life in a better way with our specific spiritual gifts to get things done in an easy way with passion. 

27 signs of spiritual awakening

1.    You start asking questions about you.

2.    You want to know more about your soul’s specific gifts.

3.    You feel that life is boring.

4.    You crave for peace and happiness.

5.    You crave for your life’s purpose.

6.    You don’t feel passion in doing things.

7.    You start asking meaningful and deep questions. 

9.    You feel the need for guidance from a spiritual mentor.

10.    You see your false belief system no longer works for you. 

11.    You realize that not all is true of what you’ve been taught.

12.    You feel isolated and lost.

13.    You want to spend more time on yourself. 

14.    You feel love for all unconditionally. 

15.    You become more sensitive to others.

16.    You don’t follow society norms and rules.

17.    You find that most of the people are unhappy and sad.

18.    You feel that your intuition is developing. 

19.    You feel the urge to change your present career path.

20.    You want to do things which give you peace and joy.

21.    You begin showing compassion and empathy.

22.    You want to give and receive respect.

23.    You seek authenticity and truth.

24.    You surrender your pride and self negative ego.

25.    You experience anxiety, depression and dark nights of the soul.

26.    You want to make the world a better place to live.

27.    You start believing that we all are one and connected with each other. 

11 stages of spiritual awakening.

Soul evolution is not a destination, it is a perpetual journey. There are no separate pieces of the stages of spiritual awakening which  would make it easier for people to let go of the old and embrace the new.

The different stages are described below: 

Stage 1: Feeling lost and unhappiness: 

The first stage of spiritual awakening is often referred to as the dry stage. It is a time when one feels little or no emotion.

They are often described as being depressed, and may even try to commit suicide. The first stage of spiritual awakening is often the hardest, because it is the stage when one is the farthest away from God.

Dark night of soul
Dark night of soul

Stage 2: Soul searching, doing inner work

This is the stage when the  person realize that their faith and beliefs are not enough to bring them happiness.

They begin to search for deeper meaning and purpose in life, and are often drawn to new spiritual teachings, communities and practices. This stage can often be accompanied by a sense of crisis or confusion.

Stage 3: Understanding the Divine power 

This is the most significant and exciting stage of the spiritual journey. It brings a profound sense of satisfaction, and often a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the journey.

At this stage, there is often a deep sense of connection with a higher power or intelligence. 

Stage 4: Starts to believe in Divine power and divine sources

The fourth stage of spiritual awakening is to believe in diivine power. You realize that there are other divine sources in form of Angels, Ascended masters, your spirit guides and ancestors.

They are always there to help you to evolve.  The divine is the Absolute, the perfect expression of all that is good. 

Stage 5: Understanding our “spiritual being” 

It is the stage where you no longer need to sleep, eat, and drink more. The fifth stage of spiritual awakening is the realization that one’s higher self is much closer than one had imagined, which is separate from the physical body and the material world. 

The higher self is the highest version of yourself that is connected with the Divine.

Stage 6: Experiencing the life is eternal

In this stage one reaches the non-dual viewpoint. This means that it becomes possible for the observer to experience directly the fact that there is only one substance and only one reality. This means that the observer is directly experiencing the eternal presence which is beyond time. 

Stage 7: Surrender of Ego/ self negative pride

In this stage you are no longer driven by the ego and the desires of the mind. This stage of awakening is one of the most critical stages in which an individual confronts a new reality or new set of circumstances.

Stage 8: Discovering your true self/spiritual gifts

The 8th stage of awakening is first and foremost a stage of self-discovery. It is a deep and profound time of self-reflection, your spiritual gifts and your true nature.

It is also a time of forgiveness and the willingness to understand that you are responsible for your part in one’s own suffering and the suffering of others.

Stage 9: Discovering the spiritual realm, other dimensions 

The 9th stage of spiritual awakening is when a person transcends the physical realm and realizes that  his consciousness is not limited to this realm.

They also understand that there are other realms  in the universe that can be contacted, communicated with, and even travelled with.  

This stage of spiritual awakening is the realization that the physical world exists in a larger universe and there are other dimensions and planes of existence beyond the physical world.

Stage 10: Experiencing being ‘whole’ 

The 10th stage of spiritual awakening is the stage of becoming a whole. To become a whole you must fulfill the four spiritual laws. These laws are: (1) the law of karma ( cause and effect), (2) the law of rebirth, (3) the law of non-violence, and (4) the law of no killing.

The 10th stage is like para-normal. This stage is of particular interest because it’s the only stage in which a person ceases to be identified with his body, ego, and mind. 

Stage 11: Existence beyond Physical world

The 11th stage of spiritual awakening is a stage where the individual transcends the physical world and enters into a state of consciousness where they are no longer bound by the limitations of the physical world.

They are able to see the truth behind everything, they feel the emotions of other people, they can understand the thoughts of other people, they can communicate with other people in ways that they haven’t been able to do before.

Symptoms during spiritual awakening process.

Most people may experience some type of physical symptoms during their spiritual awakening experience such as: numbness, tingling, shaking, fever, disturbed sleep, muscle aches, cramps, joint pains, headaches, flu-like symptoms, or, diarrhea.

These symptoms are caused by the relaxation of the mind which lowers stress levels.

Verbal and nonverbal symptoms, such as tension, headache, sweaty palms, blood pressure fluctuation, elevated heart rate, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and more.

16 principles to embrace the process.

Before I could share this journey, I felt compelled to share what I learned during my spiritual awakening process. It is nearly impossible to open up to your family and friends because they have different beliefs and values.

It can be hard to share your hopes and dreams with those who don’t see eye to eye with you on certain things. However, people are ready to experience and learn about spiritual awakening.

To embrace the process, I am going to share the must needed principles, one must follow during spiritual awakening process. The 16 principles are described below: 

1. Wake up

Wake up from your state of confusion and self-distraction. Waking up means to consciously recognize the truth and purpose of your life. Most people are not consciously waking up. They are busy living their lives in confusion and self-distraction.

2. Heal the self-distraction and insecurity in your life.

Self-distraction is the attachment to external things that take away your focus from yourself. You need to realize and heal your attachment to external things such as money, possessions, fame, and power.

The sooner you are awakened the deeper you will be able to heal the inside of you.

You will learn to heal the things that limit you, such as fear, anxiety, and insecurity. You will learn to live within your truth.

3. Learn to enjoy your dreams.

Dreams can help you to connect with your higher self and your spiritual source. You will begin to enjoy your dreams. You will be at peace with yourself and the world.

Remember to find peace with in yourself and not through your identity. See your higher self and spiritual source as another person in your life. Practice self-acceptance.

4. Love yourself

Most people do not love themselves. They need to realize that they are love and they are a blessing to the world. They need to practice and learn to love themselves first.

People need to learn to love themselves because they are not loved by the world. They live their lives in fear and anxiety.

5. Examine your reality and your beliefs.

Once you wake up to the truth and are able to see the inner reality of yourself, life begins to change. You begin to be free from the anxiety of the outer world. You begin to be free from fear and anxiety.

Your belief system is what you believe about life. Your belief system is also what you are holding onto. 

6. Discover your purpose

Discovering your purpose is what brings your energy to life. This purpose is what ignites your passion and inspiration to get up in the morning.

This purpose gives you the motivation to go on each day and be better than you were yesterday.

Find your passion. Discover your purpose. You are going to discover it by waking up to the truth and connecting with your soul.

7. Don’t stop learning.

Do not stop learning. You will be surprised to find that you have more to learn every day. You will find the truth and you will understand more and more each day. The only limit is your own self.

You can always learn and grow in life. Learn new things, experience new things, and grow each day.

8. Heal your relationships.

The truth is that the relationships you have in your life are a reflection of you. What you teach and what you accept as truth will have an impact on the relationships in your life. Fix the problems in relationships if it is to be fixed, otherwise move forward.

9. Have an identity of your own.

Most people go through life just surviving. They are just looking to survive the day. They are just looking to put one foot in front of the other. They are just looking to survive life.

It is time for a new way. You are going to have your identity. You are going to live your life with passion. You are going to live your life with purpose.

10. Connect with the spiritual world and yourself.

If you are going to really connect with the spiritual world, you have to connect with yourself and your higher self. You have to reconnect with the spiritual world and your higher self to cocreate things which you have passion for. Ask for help from your guardian-angels, ancestors and spirit guides. They are always there to help you because they love you unconditionally.  

11. Find your spiritual source

Find your spiritual source. The spiritual world can only be reached through your higher self.

Find your spiritual source by connecting to your true, spiritual self. Find your spiritual source by connecting to your soul. Find your spiritual source by connecting to your spirit.

12. Wake up early every day.

Wake up early each day to connect with yourself, connect with the spiritual world and connect with your soul. 

13. Meditate for 30 minutes a day.


Meditation will help you to connect with your higher self, connect with your spirit, connect with your intuition. Your higher self (spirit) connects you with divine sources, the universe and the creator/God. Meditation heals your mind, body and soul at deep level. 

14. Always have a positive attitude.

Whenever something negative happens to you, replace it with a positive thought. Anything that happens in your life is a test. Try to see the good. Try to see the good in things that are happening in your life. Don’t see the negative. Don’t worry about it. 

Instead, always look at the positive side of things. Focus on the positive and see the positive in the situation. This will keep the negativity from taking over your thoughts and you can handle whatever comes your way.

15. Be grateful to God

Gratitude is a great medicine. Being grateful will open you up to a higher way of life. Gratitude will make you happy and give you more energy.

Gratitude is the best medicine for the soul. Always be grateful to the God/ universe what you have at present and say thanks for each and every little thing which gives you joy and happiness. 

16. Live in present moment.

Always remain in present. Don’t regret what you’ve done in past and don’t worry about the future. Nothing is set in stones.

Live your present moment with passion and a zeal to do something for yourself and others to make the world better for live in.  

Monitor your soul ascension/growth.

There are many ways to measure spiritual growth. One way is to keep a spiritual journal. Journaling allows you to reflect on your spiritual life and provide a space to record God’s presence and direction in your life.

It also provides a space to analyze and evaluate your spiritual life, which can help you identify areas for growth and improvement.

Instrumental spiritual measurement typically involves using some kind of instrument, i.e. dowsing pendulum and  test to measure spiritual growth in a person.

The best example is to participate in a quiz, using a questionnaire to measure a person’s level of spirituality.

Click the link below:


Christ consciousness

Throughout the ages, people have experienced moments of intense spirituality, also known as “moments of awakening.” These moments have the power to radically change a person’s life, causing them to view the world in a new way, and often causing them to make significant life changes.

Chirst consciousness is a state of being where a person’s consciousness expands and he is able to experience a deeper level of reality and truth.

Chirst consciousness comes gradually, through spiritual practice and quiet introspection. But regardless of how it happens, chirst consciousness can transform your life – and your view of the world.

Myths about spiritual awakening.

  • Enlightenment-is it our last goal to achieve!

The human race has always strived for enlightenment. We’ve sought it out, we’ve chased it, and we’ve found it in some ways, but we’ve never really settled into a state of being completely and wholly at peace with ourselves and our world.

Instead, we have discovered different states of consciousness and experienced the benefits of improving our state of consciousness, but we have always wanted more. 

Ascended-master, Gautam Buddha is the one who incarnated on Earth once and reached the ultimate consciousness. He achieved Enlightenment. 

I personally feel that Enlightenment should not be our main goal to achieve. 

  • We experience unconditional love and fame: 

Yes, you may find unconditional love and fame, but it is not always permanent. It comes fast and goes fast. We are here on a constant spiritual journey. Sometimes it feels like a blessing and sometimes there is a lesson to learn. 

  • Spiritual awakening limited:

No, it is not limited. It is for everyone and for every religious person. It’s not limited for a particular segment of people. Any one can embrace spiritual awakening.


  • Mr. A. K. Kumanan: My spiritual mentor
  • Guardian Angel: My grand father
  • Ms. Vasundhra Gupta: Spiritual colleague
  • Inspired by Ascended Masters: Dear Jesus Christ and dear Gautam Buddha

Transsform your pain into creativity, tap your spiritual gifts to live life with passion.


In this article, I covered essentials necessary for spiritual awakening and soul evolution. I’ve gone through the same process as shared here. Every soul has its unique experience. Please share your valuable experience for motivation.

By Vivek Agarwal

I've learned to harness the Primal Forces of Nature i.e. Life Force Energy through Meditation. Its all God blessings that I'm able to Channel this Divine Energy in a powerful & meaningful way to HEAL others. I use my Healing Power wisely and to great effect. I create harmony and peace through LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. I achieve my Goals with Ease.