Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing & Dowsing Sessions

My healing session will help you to release and let go the past completely by forgiving yourself and others.
It’s important to realize that Spiritual Healing requires cleansing. You must have Pure, Honest and True desire for Healing. Sometimes we have said, thought or done things with others that make us feel bad. We can’t cover it up with money or controlling power. The root cause of any HEALTH issue is not always Physical / Emotional / financial; it’s SPIRITUAL infact.

Benefits of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing is not associated with any religion. It is not limited. Everyone can be healed. It heals Mind, Physical body and Soul at a DEEP LEVEL. Spiritual Healing is an alternative treatment of healing.

How to receive Spiritual Healing

It involves transfer of Life force / Divine Energy from Healer to Recipient. When this life force energy flows in our body without any blockage, we feel energetic and healthy.

When there is any blockage in the path of Life Force Energy, health symptoms arise either at Physical and/ or at Emotional level. Once Healing takes place, it clears the blockage and Restores the Energy Level.

Spiritual Healing is safe

People who have multiple Health issues, often say, “we are not overcoming these diseases like Blood Pressure, Diabetic problem, Heart problem, Tension & Worries, Sleeping problem and many more.”

The Root cause is hidden at your Soul level, it’s not only Physical & Emotional. Although you are under treament yet you can take spiritual healing session.

I’m offering my service, starting from the Analysis of your complete Physical, Emotional and Spiritual wellbeing to Heal you finally…

Transfer of Divine energy as spiritual healing

In this healing session, I link with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy and channel this Divine Energy to recipient. It works and benefits immediately.
Spiritual healing heals your past pain, health issue, wounds, hurt and any Energetic Cause. Once you are healed, your Soul finds peace and happiness and your overall wellbeing is good.


Dowsing and Healing with Pendulum

Being Pendulum Dowser and Intuitive Reader, I tap into your Energy field by assessing Energy field. You’ll find the complete information about your overall wellbeing i.e. your Physical, Mental and spiritual. I’ve created many charts for dowsing.

It helps to detect the Blockage in the areas where Energy flow is blocked. Dowsing also detects the influence of Electro Magnetic Radiation.

Pendulum is very effective tool to detect the GEOPATHIC STRESS level and also it neutralizes the negative effect on Human beings. The healing continues long after the session has ended.

Energy Assessment: Physical, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing

Physical assessment for spiritual healing
Physical assessment for spiritual healing
Minerals analysis for spiritual healing
Minerals analysis for spiritual healing
Chakras for spiritual healing
Chakras for spiritual healing

Pendulum Dowsing is safe, non-invasive and natural. It helps to detect Energy Blockage.Dowsing restores the balance between Physical and Spiritual wellbeing. Believe in Spiritual Healing and its miracles.

Please click the link below to know more about the importance of spiritual wellbeing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_and_health#Spiritual_health

Besides these I’ve other charts to know more about your overall Physical wellbeing status. After analysis & finding the root cause of problem I’ll provide you the guidance and solutions mentioned below:

  1. Nutrition guidance, Detoxification, Alkaline water etc as per your specific need. I also recommend Proprietary Ayurvedic Food Supplement as a Medicine which is capable to cure even Chronic disease.
  2. Spiritual Healing for immediate relief. Balancing and Activating the Root Chakra. The moment I balance and Heal the Root Chakra, energy flows and you’ll feel the difference. Not only it heals you fast but also sustains long.

Healing with Crystals & Orgonite Devices

Crystals Bracelets/ Orgonite devices for your overall wellbeing are helpful & effective to Heal your Mind, Body and Soul. Crystals maintain Energy level so that you feel Energetic all the time and vibrate at high frequency level.

Orgonite Pendant protects from Negative Energy and Electro Magnetic Radiation. Radiation is one of the most hidden cause for most of the life threatning diseases.

Crystals / Gemstones have healing properties in the form of physical, emotional and spiritual uplifting. In the ancient civilizations, a great emphasis was laid on the use of crystals and other minerals.

They facilitate the flow of Life Force Energy through the human body for healing Mind, Physical Body and Soul. The human body and quartz crystals have one thing in common: The mineral silicone-dioxide. They come in direct contact with the body, thereby transferring energy from them into the body.

Meditation Healing

Mediation is the precious God’s gift for silence. Your Physical body is relaxed, your mind is calm, and your soul finds peace. There is a complete silence and your Soul finds Peace and Happiness. Meditation is a Spiritual Experiecne and gives you pleasure than anything else. With positive affirmations, determination and continuous practice you can Heal yourself. The more your Soul finds peace the more you Heal fast.

Learn to medidate
Learn to medidate
Meditation for Root Chakra Activation
Manifesting Your Heart Desire

NOTE: Please contact me or mail me regarding your Health issue/ Emotional pain or any Energetic cause. I’ll suggest you the best Nutrition/ Food supplement/ Ayurvedic Medicine. Healing solution, Number of Healing sessions and the service charges.

“Soul Healing for Mental Peace and Happiness”

One to one Healing Session is available in person and or Distant Healing via Zoom.